The Snow Drops Dropped and the Crocuses Croaked

Last updated:  SAT April 23 2016 1:21 PM Toronto ON Canada
By: Glenda MacDonald (with additional updates as stories develop)

March 24 2016

Poor Little Snow Drop

Sad Little Snow Drop

The Snow Drops Dropped and Crocus Croaked

This morning I was awakened by the staccato freezing rain on my bedroom window. Despite being sleep-deprived I couldn’t wait to get up, because I’m a photographer. One of the reasons I love living in Canada is its changing seasons. At this time of year Spring isn’t quite committed and Winter keeps hanging around. This indecisive weather has wreaked havoc with my poor little flowers who believed the fickle promise of Spring and thought they’d seen the last of Winter. Water-laden hoar frost creates nature’s magnifying glass for whatever lies beneath when the sun chooses to peek out from behind its gray veil.

I particularly like photographing trees on a blue sky day after an ice storm, their branches waltzing in sparkly coats. When you’re a passionate photojournalist you’ll overcome many obstacles to achieve that perfect shot. Once after a glorious ice storm I drove on treacherous roads to west end Hamilton to capture the glassy buds and creaking forests of Cootes Paradise Ravine. At the top of an ice-encrusted hill I focused my Nikon SLR on the alien ravine below, elbows tucked in as my tripod. And then I slipped. Unable to dig my boot heels into the thick frost to stop me I sat down and legs out straight became a human toboggan. Careening toward a fallen tree at the edge of a freezing creek I swung my camera on its lanyard around to my back for its protection, my bare hands grabbing in futility at the icy twigs periodically poking out…. but that’s another story.

Crushed little crocus

Crushed little crocus

Today I’m staying home where the only danger is getting my slippers damp or my hands cold as I pop out for quick shots on my HTCOne smart phone to capture the changing scene. Unless I slip…Sad little snow drop, crushed little crocus.


To view more of my photography please visit me on Instagram:




Happy Spring!


Last updated: SAT April 23 2016 2:05 PM Toronto ON Canada

March 20 2016

Featured photos: “First day of Spring” – at sunrise and at sunset. I’m happy and have a spring in my step! Today’s the and ! And I have a new upper deck with which to survey my immediate surroundings and the world beyond.

2016 March 20 Sunrise Pic Twitter IMAG6401

Sunrise first day of Spring from my new upper deck in Toronto!

Sunset view from new upper deck first day of Spring

Sunset view from new upper deck first day of Spring


 To view some more of my photography visit me on Instagram:


Ventures in Twitterland New Website

As a social media coach I love ALL platforms but my favourite is Twitter. I love Twitter so much that I will be launching a separate blog Ventures In Twitterland dedicated to my adventures in Twitterland, the people and companies I meet (especially startups, arts & entertainment, technology companies), the events I attend and live-tweet, and more.  As a sole proprietor I am a do-it-yourselfer. I’ll be sharing my learning process as I set up my new website which I’m designing using Elegant Themes for which I’m a new affiliate.  The current theme for is a free basic WordPress theme. This site will be converted to one from Elegant Themes once I decide which suits it best.

Email Success Summit March 14 to 23 2016 by Small Today

There are over 35 of the world’s top experts in email marketing presenting at this virtual summit presented by Small Today an organization which focuses on the needs of small and medium-sized businesses including solopreneurs and startups. You may notice that  I don’t have a newsletter set up yet.. it’s now on my to do list! I’m watching and reviewing all the interviews Founder Liam Austin conducted with the experts and tweeting my reviews. (I just set up a separate blog post for the event ). You can use my affiliate link to register for a free pass to watch the Friday interviews as well as the new ones Monday and Tuesday and Liam’s wrap-up on Wednesday. I have an All Access Pass which entitles me to view the interviews forever at my own pace and I am part of a private Facebook group other All Access Pass holders. Time for me to get back to work doing the reviews! I have completed Day 1 and there are many days! (I am now in the middle of Day 2).
